Why Speech Pathology ?
Our aim is to support children, families, schools, daycare and kindergartens who are met with challenges relating to their communication and/ or feeding. This can be provided in a multi-disciplinary session, individual session, group session or under supervision via a therapy assistant.
Speech Pathologists at Allsorts work closely with children and their families to create goals and provide family-centred intervention and education to support a child’s needs.
Our Speech Pathologists work with children to support their communication and feeding development.
Difficulty with producing speech sounds (speech delay).
Difficulty verbally expressing their thoughts, needs and feelings.
Difficulty with understanding language and following directions.
Difficulty with pre-literacy and literacy skills (reading and writing).
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices such as voice generating devices, picture boards and other assistive technology.
Difficulty with swallowing and/ or feeding skills.

Did you know….
Speech Pathologists assess and treat feeding and swallowing difficulties?,
Have you noticed your little one is having trouble chewing and/or swallowing their food or drinks? Is your child fed via a tube? Or maybe they are hesitant with different food textures? Your child may benefit from a Speech Pathology assessment of their feeding.